CustomWise approach to Weeds


With the CUSTOMWISE service, all the nutrients are provided to maintain healthy turf. With each of your scheduled treatments a thorough examination of your lawn is included. If a problem is occurring, it will be brought to your attention, and a strategy developed to solve it. The prices for most pre and postemergent herbicides are included in your CUSTOMWISE Nutrient and Monitoring Program. Herbicides will only be used selectively, at the correct times, with the utmost respect of your property and our environment. It is the goal of CUSTOMWISE to use the least amount of herbicides to control weeds in your lawn. *Note a selective group of difficult weed, such as Nutsedge and Field Sandbur, require special herbicides and may involve an additional charge.


This most common pest attacks your lawn for two reasons:

1) Nature has given weeds tremendous ability to reproduce. There are millions of weed seed, already in your soil, which can survive up to 75 years. More seeds are constantly being deposited into your lawn by wind, rain, people, pets, and birds.

2) There are so many different weeds, all with various cycles that controlling them is a never-ending process. Some weeds thrive in bitter cold, even growing under snow, while others flourish in summer heat.

There Are Only Three Ways to Control Weeds

Proper Management. The only environmentally sound and eventually the most economical way to control weeds. Developing a healthy dense turf with proper cultural practices and a nutrient program will interrupt the cycle of most weeds and provide the most effective and long lasting control.

Physically pulling the weeds. While still an environmentally friendly way to deal with weeds, it is not realistic for most people to spend the time required to fully control weeds in this manner. An occasional pulling of weeds while mowing or watering your lawn will make cultural control that much more effective.

Proper use of herbicides. If infestation is severe enough, this approach is the only realistic alternative. Remember, however, the use of herbicides only treats the symptoms of the problem and not the problem itself.


WEEDS… WEEDS… … and more weeds.

Without a doubt weeds are the most persistent problem to attack your lawn. There are many problems that can plague a lawn: insects, disease, traffic, weather conditions, etc. – but few problems have the never ending persistence that weeds have.

I know that a major reason people select a lawn service company is because they are discouraged with weeds and want a professional to take care of it for them. I also know that a major reason people discontinue their lawn service is because they are dissatisfied with the way their weeds were controlled.

Simply put, a weed is a plant out of place. Unfortunately, the control of weeds is not as simple as its definition.

Below are six observations from my 40 years in the turf business:

1) Thick healthy turf is the number one way to control weeds. Usually, one of the major reasons why a lawn will have too many weeds is because it is not healthy and thick. Weeds, like turf, need light, water, nutrients and physical space to survive. Thick turf deprives them of this. Thick, healthy turf requires continual proper cultural practices: correct mowing, watering, fertilizing and periodic overseeding (cool season turf) or sprigging/plugging (warm season turf). Other factors that can negatively effect the health of your lawn and indirectly contribute to weed problems are too much shade, too much traffic, disease and extreme weather conditions.

2) Expect a flush of weeds in your lawn following periods of above normal precipitation.

3) Location: Lawns near outer lying areas of the city and open areas (parks, schools and common ground) will have higher levels of weeds. Corner lots will also have more weeds.

4) Mixture of grasses: Lawns with a mixture of both warm and cool season grasses will usually have more weeds. It is my observation that lawns with one type of grass generally will have fewer weeds to control.

5) Weed killer does not kill all weeds. The variety of weeds is so vast that it can be difficult to comprehend. This requires different kinds of herbicides and a clear understanding of the weed you are trying to control. Two difficult to control weeds that require special, expensive herbicides are Nutsedge and Field Sandbur.

6) Are your expectations lined up with reality? A significant problem I have encountered in my decades in this business are lawn care customers thinking they’ll never have another weed in their lawn again. Winning the war on weeds does not mean the extermination of every last weed. The operative word is control. Even customers on my premium service should expect some weeds. If you are not sure what to expect – please consult with me.

Weed control is a safe effective way of dealing with weeds when used with care and discretion. When applying herbicides CUSTOMWISE will always apply selectively when possible and use low pressure spray which eliminates drift to non-target plants.

It is unrealistic to expect any one of my treatments to eradicate all your weeds, solve all your lawn problems and keep weeds from reoccurring. Over the last 20 to 30 years lawn care technology has revolutionized our ability to manage turf pests – especially weeds. Herbicides, however, are simply tools in an overall strategy for integrated weed management. Incorrect herbicide use, or worse yet, poor fundamental turf management offsets the benefits these tools offer us.

What you can expect from CUSTOMWISE is a professional experienced service with up-to-date information using weed controls in a safe and correct manner. The key to your satisfaction with my service is when we both work together. I welcome your questions or comments.