Summer Lawn Treatment

Summer Lawn Treatment


During the hot parched months of June, July and August, the quality of cool season grass declines (lush growth, rich color and overall appearance). You can still have a very nice cool season lawn during this stressful period, but proper care becomes extremely important. Please review the information given to you with your previous two inspection/applications. If you do not have this information, give CustomWise a call and a copy will be sent to you. Below are four quick tips to remember:


• Mow on the top setting
• Mow with a sharp blade
• Water (soak) your lawn
   3 to 4 times a week
• Water early in the day


During the summer, the most problems cool season turf sustains are brown spots caused by heat stress or disease. CustomWise strongly encourages proper care of your lawn not chemical controls (fungicides) as a means to manage these problems. With a little luck you may go through summer without any damage. If your lawn does receive some injury, CustomWise recommends continued proper care. Some injured areas will recover on its own and some may need to be repaired (seeded) in the fall.


CustomWise offers these fall services to help your lawn get back in shape:

• Aeration (late September – October)
• Rent CustomWise verti-slicer (talk to Bill Wise for Details)
• Complete overseeding services
• Total renovation or conversion services