Fall Application

                                                            FALL APPLICATION

Spring’s flush of growth for seed production and summer’s extreme weather causing stress and fungus represents a very difficult time for cool season turf. Even with proper care some injury or damage is unavoidable. The most important period for cool season grasses is September, October and November. During this time, cool season turf recovers from the previous stressful period by building a more extensive root system and stores energy for winter and next spring. Unfortunately, many homeowners’ interest in their yard declines as the days grow shorter. This can become a missed opportunity for the health and appearance of your lawn.

                                 Fall Care


The fall and winter treatment CustomWise applies to your lawn contains more nutrients than the spring and summer treatments combined. Heavy feeding in the fall is an important step in its recovery from the stressful period and quality appearance next year.

Fall can be one of the driest periods in South Central Kansas. CustomWise encourages homeowners to continue watering as late in the season as possible. For customers with sprinkler systems, CustomWise recommends winterizing your system as late as possible (consult with your irrigation company for what would be safe for your system).



Late summer and fall provide the only real opportunity for seeding cool season turf. Cooler weather provides the ideal conditions for seed to germinate and new grass to grow. Aggressive summer weeds such as crabgrass and spurge, which can infest and take over a new stand of grass, die out as temperatures drop. Also, new turf that has a chance to become established during the fall, winter, and early spring has a much better chance of survival during summer’s extreme weather conditions.

CustomWise strongly urges repairing your lawn by seeding thin, bare or damaged areas. Unlike most other turf grasses, Fescue (the only cool season turf that performs fairly well this far south) does not spread. The natural growth pattern is clumpy. If your fescue lawn has thin areas or bare spots, they will not fill in on their own and will become an invitation for weeds and crabgrass next year unless seeded now.

CustomWise does not recommend waiting for spring to seed. Spring seeding usually produces poor results and interferes with the spring preemergent crabgrass treatment.