Turf Installation Services


CUSTOMWISE provides the highest quality seeding and sodding services in the Wichita area. Whether installing a new lawn or renovating an old one, attention to detail and follow-up care will provide you a high quality lawn you will be proud of and enjoy. Turf Installation services are only available for lawn care customers.

Complete installation services for new homeowners, including grading and seeding or sod.

On old or thin lawns, aerating, verti-slicing and seeding can turn your lawn into a thick healthy turf that will compliment your property.

Mixture of grasses? Warm season lawn with too much shade? Wanting to change to a lower water requirement, warm season grass? Your lawn can be converted to a grass to fit your situation for less expense and difficulty than you may think.

Careful forethought and planning will help you select the type of grass best suited for your lawn. South Central Kansas experiences wide and quick changes in weather. This provides the opportunity to choose a greater selection of grasses that many parts of the country, but also presents difficult challenges for care and maintenance. Each turf grass has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cool season grasses (Fescue-Bluegrass) will stay green longer, usually March through November, and will perform well in sun or shade. (It should be noted that no grass was meant to grow in extremely deep shade.) Generally, cool season grasses are the least expensive to install, but have higher water requirements.

Warm Season grasses ( Bermuda-Zoysia-Buffalo) have a shorter season and will stay green from about May through September. Warm season grasses will not perform in shade. Bermuda and Buffalo must have 75% to 100% sun to grow (Zoysia has a slightly higher shade tolerance.) Generally, warm season grasses are the most expensive to install but have a much lower water requirement.



Verti-slice is a machine that cuts small slits, furrows, or grooves into the soil; creating the perfect bed for grass seed.

Scorching summer weather, drought, Brown Patch Fungus, improper care, sprinkler system malfunction, dog/pet damage, people traffic, mole damage, too much shade; the list goes on and on for reasons that cause dead spots in your lawn. Unfortunately, Fescue grass, unlike other turf grasses, does not spread and cover over damaged areas on its own.

If there is a dead spot/area in your lawn, it will remain there detracting from the appearance of your lawn and creating an invitation for more weeds and crabgrass in the future. Realistically, the typical Fescue lawn in Wichita will need at least some seeding four out of five seasons. Many times all you need to do is scratch up the damaged area with a hard rake and sprinkle seed.

For those customers who can’t, don’t want, or don’t have the time, CUSTOMWISE offers a wide range of seeding services – from full renovation seeding services with a guarantee, to seeding just the damaged areas in your lawn.